About TCOHHL (The Chronicles of a Hip Hop Legend) Radio

For Immediate Release:

Hip Hop Fantasy/Sci-Fi Literary Series Expands Reach With Radio

The Chronicles of a Hip Hop Legend Radio Looks to Provide An Experience for Listenership

Brooklyn, NYC (April, 2015) – The Chronicles of a Hip Hop Legend Radio Show provides a listening experience that encompasses its own interpolated version of arguably the single most important phrase ever to be coined concerning the intent of the culture of Hip Hop, “[Knowledge], Peace, Love, Unity, and Having Fun”.11138137_858491920853478_7817328916900573567_n

Serving as a strategic extension of The Chronicles of a Hip Hop Legend brand, D.D. Turner regards this foray into radio as an opportunity to share his reverent regard for the culture, while offering recognition to Legends and future legends alike. And understanding that Rap music, being the soundtrack of the culture, is subject to a generational interpretation that is largely structured by the respective members of that generation, the radio show intends on taking what D.D. Turner refers to as a “Jump Generation” approach to the way in which the show programs its music selections.

“Chaz, Ish, and I spoke programming and we agreed that the approach would be to always allow the show’s music programming to tell the history of Hip Hop. From break beats to Bobby Shmurda back to Rakim to Sage The Gemini, we’ll have every fathomable Hip Hop palette covered. And because of our independence, never will there be any big corporation restrictions interrupting the flow or intent of our format. If you were fortunate enough to experience underground Hip Hop radio in the early 90’s, we are, in some ways, attempting to recapture and that feeling.”

In addition to music programming that will reflect the culture’s 40 plus year history, the show will provide exposure for up and coming artists to its audience of more than 30k listeners via the use of aggregated distribution and pod-cast conversion.

But the show’s approach to music selection is not what makes it unique, nor is the interviews, dialogue, or exposure opportunities that it will afford its quests. Interestingly enough, The Chronicles of Hip Hop Legend Radio Show is a derivative venture of The Chronicles of a Hip Hop Legend literary series; the 1st Hip Hop Fantasy/Sci-Fi multi-installment literary series.

By leveraging the same boundless creativity expressed in the literary series, D.D. Turner and team are extremely focused on creating an undeniable listening experience for its listenership.

“What makes this opportunity so dope is that we have an additional platform for sharing lit series developments and chapter details as they are unfolding,” he stated.

“Also, because of our decision to option the audiobook for each installment’s release, we can share selections with the listening audience,” he continued.

As it masterfully achieves in its literary series, The Chronicles of a Hip Hop Legend Radio Show is sure to take the listener on a journey; a journey that will not only offer a purposeful and sincere recognition of Hip Hop’s Legends, but also, evoke the pleasant memories of nostalgia that can only be achieved by the melodic beckoning of music. And while all of this is unfolding, you just might find yourself captivated by stimulating and entertaining dialogue concerning current topics.

This is the place where true Hip Hop legends are celebrated and the pursuit of legend status is nurtured. This is, The Chronicles of a Hip Hop Legend Radio Show, Where We’re Always ALL About The Culture.

*TCOHHL Radio airs live on Wednesdays from 8-10pm est. on tenacityradio.com

On the go? Then tune in to the live show via our mobile app using the link attached below.

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